Ganesha Webtech

Differences between Cloud Apps and Web Apps and their Benefits

Generally, we hear a term in mobile app development, Cloud apps and web apps. Most people think both are the same, and there is no difference between them. This confusion among the people is somewhat understandable as both clout apps and web apps are web-based and they run on the web. But, in reality, both are not same and there is a crucial difference between the two. Whereas the web apps depend on a browser to operate, on the other hand, the cloud-based app does not depend on browser to operate.

To understand the difference here is a simple example. When you shop online through an e-commerce app of the seller, you are using your browser and the seller’s in-house computer system. The seller app is a web app. On the other hand, if you intend to purchase some software download through a clout app, you will not be required to use your browser or the software company’s company computer system,  but you are directly connecting to the cloud server of the company where your desired software is stored.

Difference between Cloud Apps and Web Apps

Let us understand more about Cloud apps and Web app and how they are different from each other.

Cloud Apps

 The cloud app uses a computer architecture that stores and also allow to access the data stored in it like software, and business data over the web without a company having to use its computer hard drive and systems. The cloud data provider computer systems are for the use of its customers to download software etc.

 The person who is accessing the information or software programs online will be using the cloud without even know about it. The cloud system can be assessed from anywhere, from any device through the internet connection only.

The cloud service provider can be a public company or a private firm. Public clouds service provider is large and has multiple clients using his services. Private clouds are set up by large enterprises, and handle the sheer amount of traffic and data which these companies store there.

The cloud service provider houses cloud-based applications, and these service providers have a set of a sophisticated system that allows heavy use of it, provide high security, and able to handle all integration among the data and programs of a specific client. All the client’s data is stored in the app, and it can be assessed offline without the use of the internet. A web browser can access these stored apps.

Advantage of Cloud Apps: Let us discuss some advantages of cloud apps

 * These apps can be assessed by a group of people quickly and they can share information via cloud shred storage and thus these apps improve collaboration among the group.

* In cloud system allows the company to quickly access and store information from anywhere and anytime with the help of internet connection.

* Since the cloud system uses internet infrastructure, this increases organization productivity and efficiency by ensuring the accessibility of data at all times.

* Organization can save on hardware costs and software maintenance costs with cloud-based apps.

* The storage capacity of cloud server is massive and one can store essential data like documents, images, audio and video at one place.

* Cloud-based apps provide a high degree of security and it is one of the biggest advantages of this service. Along with security cloud also offer many advanced features of security and keep the data fully safe.

The disadvantage of Cloud Apps:

* Vendors face problems in transferring their services from one service provider to other due to vendor lock-in.

* Cloud users have no control over the function and execution of services within the cloud infrastructure as the full control and ownership is with the service provider.

* There are chances of your data going to the third party: Before hiring a cloud service provider one should check that your organization data is not transferred to the third party by the cloud service provider. Although they assure you that non-such thing happen. So hire a cloud service provider only after sufficient scrutiny of his security policy.

* The internet connection is a must for cloud-based apps. Generally, users with slow internet connection face many problems in dealing with such apps. So a high degree of internet connectivity is a must for cloud-based apps.

Web Apps

 Web apps run on a web browser. There is server-side scripting and client-side scripting in a very simple architecture. To access these apps services user depends on the webserver, and the app must be downloaded from the server and housed on the device used by the user whether a desktop or a mobile phone. But on the other hand cloud apps do not function on the user device, but they operate in the cloud and user access the data from the cloud with the help of internet.

The major difference between web-based apps and the cloud-based app is how they are accessed. Cloud-based apps provide more functionality to the user of the apps due to large storage capacity whereas web apps lack on this front. If you want to develop web/ cloud apps for your business you can call Custom mobile app development company in USA  +1(408)-372-0967.

 Advantages of Web Apps:

* Web apps maintenance is very easy because they use a common code base across multiple mobile platforms.

* Web-based apps can be developed for all platforms. The main requirement for running web apps is a web browser.

* Web apps are less expensive to develop.

* The standard operating system protocols are not followed for web app operation. There is no need for approval from the apps store and these can be released at any time in any format.

* The users are not required to updates web apps manually as they are not required to go through an app store. The user always get the newest version of app when he loads the save through the browser.

Disadvantages of Web apps:

* The scope of web apps is much smaller when it comes to leveraging device features and hardware.

* A browser needs to run web apps. User needs to pass through a complicated process of having to search for the page or typing in a URL. This requirement complicates the user’s experience.

* User has to interact with different web browsers and have to face a challenge to collect data on usage pattern and performance metrics used to create a product road map.

* The discoverability of web apps is very poor if the same are not marketed well as they don’t have an app listing on the app store.

* The speed of web apps is quite slow and also these are not very responsive like cloud apps.

* Web apps are less interactive and intuitive than other types of native apps.

*  Opportunities of branding web apps are very few as their listing on the app store is not done. An app store listing provides immense opportunity to convey an app’s uniqueness and value to the users.

Which types of apps are useful for business use?   

Before choosing the format of apps for business use you will need to evaluate the business needs. As the business booms, its servers become overloaded. The choice available is to add more hardware to meet the rising demand of the users and customers along with in-house needs, or to migrate to the cloud, pay the subscription fees, and be able to meet the scale-up in demand. The basic web app faces functional problems if the in-house servers experience some problems or traffic becomes too heavy on servers. The web app will not function in such a situation. With cloud apps, disaster recovery is no longer a concern. You can take services of Best Mobile App development company in USA call +1(408)-372-0967 if you cannot decide on which types of mobile apps are suitable for your business and get the one developed for your business.

Yet, many business organization prefer to continue with web apps, with their internal servers due to concerns of proper control on the functioning of the app. But, other organizations have a combination of web-based apps and other functions that are in the cloud where security is a concern. Generally, small businesses choose to stick with web-based apps after taking care of security concerns due to less operational costs.


But nowadays large business houses choose to have both web-based apps and cloud-based apps. Many companies use a combination of different types of apps for their organization for web and cloud, but others have the same apps, both as web-based and in the cloud. There is a definite shift towards cloud-based apps in the recent past and the trend is on the rise. There is good value in both these apps format and businesses are taking full advantage by using both formats for their organizations.