As inventor communal has typically uninhibited the conventional Model View Controller design, what alternates have been accepted? We take a view at Android architecture modes of these days and struck two most prevalent ones head-to-head in MVP vs MVVM analogy.

What is Architecture?

If you are making an app in a systematized manner with some set of instructions, define correct functionalities and execute it with appropriate protocols, then it is called an Architecture.

Role of Architecture

Let us say if we are not applying any architecture and we are writing our encryption in a class/activity in a muddled way, then the snags we will face are-

  • The quantity of lines of encryption will rise that it will become intricate to recognize.
  • It cuts the legibility and rises the number of errors. Thus, it is hard to assess and lessens the value of the produce.

So, to deliver strong data flow which will upsurge the strength, scalability, bug-resilient, increase legibility, easy to adapt and improve efficiency and deliver a high-quality app. Thus, we must apply correct building, apt to work in a squad.


Software Architectural Project design endorses prearranged programming. Splits app functionality which is simple to verify and delivers low-cost preservation. MVC, MVP, MVVM are some prevalent architecture outlines. Making an android app by applying a software building design is always chosen by the designers. An architecture design gives modularity to the plan files and pledges that all the codes become enclosed in Unit testing. It makes the job simple for coders to uphold the software and to enlarge the structures of the app in the forthcoming time. MVP (Model View Presenter) and Model View-View Model (MVVM) are the two most prevalent industry-acknowledged android designs amongst developers. Let’s search them, one by one:


It is a Model-View-Controller. The most frequently used construction. These are the three mechanisms used in MVC.

Model- It is commercial logic and Data State-run. Getting and operating the data, interconnects with the organizer, interrelates with the database, sometimes upgrade the interpretations.

View- What we get. User Interface comprises of HTML/CSS/XML. It connects with the controller and occasionally interrelates with the model. It approved some active views throughout the regulator.

Controller- It is Activity/Portion. It links with view and model. The user input is taken from view/REST services. Process appeal, acquire data from the model and permits to the view.

Model View Presenter (MVP) Pattern

MVP architecture design delivers a simple way to erect the project encryptions. The cause why MVP is universally acknowledged is that it gives the modularity, & more sustainable codebase. It is unruffled of the following three workings:

MVP Model Overview

Model: Coat for storage of data. It is liable for handling the area lucidity (real-world business directions) and communiqué with the database and system layers.

View: UI (User Interface) coating. It gives the conception of the data and keep a trail of the user’s act in terms of notifying the Presenter.

Presenter: Get the data from the model and applies the UI logic to choose what to show. It achieves the state-run of the View and takes activities according to the user’s effort notice from the View.

Pros & Cons Model MVP

MVP – The Disadvantages

The first problematic is the tight-link between the View and Presenter. Every View clasps a locus to the Presenter and every single Presenter grasps a position to the View. In terms for the communique between two layers, a communication network has to be unlocked through the Contract. This method results in less-general encryption (since the Presenter can’t be applied as a coat in the MVP trio for other View). In a pile of communiqué approaches, both the View and the Presenter will quickly enlarge in the code-line extent. Though, the main hitch for us were the UI upgrades. In terms of upgrading a View module with data which has to be managed, the View must exactly be instructed by the Presenter.

MVVM to the Saving

Fortunately for us, there are many tools that can be applied to link a View and a business logic film in a more effectual way. In certain, to unravel all the skeins, MVP tends to make, but concurrently keep some of its profits (simple to build upon, easily sustainable etc.) we decided to go with MVVM and, amongst other things, with the Android Architecture Mechanisms. Furthermore, by swapping to MVVM, we were able to solve all matters stated above:

  • View and (ex-Presenter) are no lengthier tight-united.
  • View Model encryption is more common.
  • With correct concepts, we abridged the formerly rapid growing of the files for intricate screens.
  • The code is more testable.
  • “Auto”-UI updates are live.

The Model View View Model (MVVM) Design

MVVM design has some resemblances with the MVP (Model View Presenter) plan design as the Broadcaster role is played by the View Model. Though, the disadvantages of the MVP form have been resolved by MVVM. It advises for unravelling the data performance logic (Views/UI) from the central commercial logic portion of the app. The distinct code sheets of MVVM are:

Model: This layer is liable for the notion of the data resources. Model and View Model work as one to acquire and except the data.

View: The determination of this coating is to notify the View Model around the user’s act. This layer detects the View Model and does not cover any sort of app logic.

View Model: It exposures those data streams which are related to the View. Furthermore, it serves as a linkage between the Model and the View.

Pros & Cons


Is MVP wicked? No. Is MVVM well? It varies. For our requirements and the intricacy of apps we produce, MVVM should benefit us to get rid of the disadvantages that MVP comprises of. On the other hand, new negatives concerning MVVM will seem, and we have to be prepared to upgrade them as the profits of a well-designed building will always outdo the drawbacks. So, feel welcome to make use of our MVP or MVVM pattern as a preliminary pack, reliant upon what you reflect suits you well.